Grace B. Wilson Elementary School

Grace B. Wilson Elementary School’s vision is for its students to master Navajo literacy and grammar with relative ease and become literate in the Navajo language. Grace B. Wilson Elementary School has put into practice a heritage language program model in order to achieve its vision. The Grace B. Wilson Elementary School teachers’ program goals also align to its vision to help students become bilingual in Navajo.

Grace B. Wilson Elementary’s school community has an open door policy inviting families “to come by and see us” any time during the school year. All parents are encouraged to become involved in their child’s education. Parents are ALWAYS WELCOME at Grace B. Wilson Elementary School!

Grace B. Wilson Elementary School’s Navajo language classes implement unique instructional strategies, which are:

1. Emphasis on Navajo literacy.
2. Integrating culture-based arts/activities into language instruction.
3. Navajo Literacy Nights.
4. Use of realia, visual aids, reading materials in Navajo.

Grace B. Wilson Elementary School received a school grade of B. Twenty-three percent (23%) of English learners attained English language proficiency as measured by the ACCESS for ELLs©, which is above the state target. The school staff is very committed to helping and working with all students.