Professional Learning Feedback Form

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Filling in the form below affirms that you are over 18 years of age and that you consent to have your group-level responses to this questionnaire included in related project processes, evaluation, and/or reports.

the PDF

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

THANK YOU for taking the time to fill out this *professional learning* feedback form.  It is part of a professional, ongoing evaluation process being conducted by the project sponsor in association with the Center for Positive Practices (CPP), an independent evaluation contractor.  You may use this form to provide feedback for a workshop or an entire training series.  Although project staff may view individual responses, this form is anonymous, and your name/identity is NOT requested and will NOT be included in any reports.

INSTRUCTIONS. Below are several questions designed to help you express your feedback on the effectiveness of the project professional learning session or series. Each question is based on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being Not at All and 10 being Totally.  Please choose the number for each item that makes the most sense to you, or leave an item blank if it does not apply to you or to your role in an education system.

    Professional Learning Content

    1. The content was appropriate and relevant to the stated/anticipated objective(s) or purpose.
    This is a required question
    2. The content was organized in an understandable and meaningful way.
    This is a required question
    3. The content will be helpful to me in my role as an educator, stakeholder, or advocate of diverse students.
    This is a required question
    4. The content was stimulating and motivating, and will potentially help me to improve how I teach or work with diverse students, families, and/or education stakeholders.
    This is a required question
    5. I am confident that I can take this content and use it to raise the my level of activity, advocacy, understanding, or quality of performance in the service of diverse students.
    This is a required question

    Professional Learning Process

    6. The facilitator(s) used appropriate activities, strategies, or methods to make the content more interesting and engaging.
    This is a required question
    7. The facilitator(s) ensured that I was an active learner and participant in the process.
    This is a required question
    8. The session(s) utilized appropriate and helpful materials, visuals, and/or artifacts.
    This is a required question

      This is a required question
      10. Suggestions:

        This is a required question

        Project Information

        11. Workshop or training series title:
          Provide a brief description if you're unsure of the title.

        This is a required question
        12. Facilitator(s):
          Please list the ALD4ALL facilitators who visited your site (first and/or last names are okay).

        This is a required question
        13. Please enter the *full name* of your school(s):
          Please be specific because the dataset may contain other schools with similar names.

        This is a required question
        14. Please enter the *full name* of your district:

          This is a required question

          Last Question. *Human -versus- Robot Question.
            Most fastfood restaurants sell a round sandwich called a… (hint: not a hotdog):

          Like a Big Mac. A round sandwich is a…
          This is a required question

          Thank you very much for your feedback.  Please choose 'Submit' below.

          Good luck with all that you do!