Teacher Efficacy and ALD4ALL

Teacher Efficacy, defined in the ALD4ALL project as teachers' personal assessments of their own personal capabilities to perform designated instructional tasks, has been widely studied in many contexts over many years (e.g. Bandura 1986; Multon, Brown & Lent, 1991; Protheroe, 2008).

The Teacher Self-Assessment Scales (TSAS), an online and optionally paper-based instrument designed to measure teacher efficacy aligned to the four domains and 22 items of the state-mandated teacher evaluation framework (NMTEACH) was created.

In September 2014, 114 ALD4ALL teachers and administrators representing the project schools submitted entries for the TSAS using an online form. Results for each project school were computed and interpreted in school-specific reports. A program-wide version was also created that compared results from ALD4ALL schools with results from teachers in non-ALD4ALL schools.

Results were remarkable. Collectively, ALD4ALL schools consistently assess themselves at markedly higher levels on all domains in the measure than all other aggregate schools and teachers present in the TSAS dataset. A sample chart that represents consistently similar results across all domains and items of NMTEACH is presented in the figure below.


Download a briefing on this finding: Teacher-Efficacy-ALD4ALL-201504